Bath Tips and Tricks for Your Dog

Autri Taheri L0gq4bmboyy Unsplash

Here’s the skinny on canine skin. It’s a dog’s largest organ—yep, it’s an organ, just like the eyes, heart, or kidneys. All dogs depend on healthy skin to regulate their body temperature, provide a layer of protection against infection, and to stay hydrated, so keeping tabs on your pupper’s coat is a must. When skin…

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People Foods: Which Are Safe and Which Can Harm My Dog?

Marcus Wallis 4zfactkyz7w Unsplash

What’s healthy for you to eat is doggone safe for your canine pal, right? The short answer: sometimes. Determining what people foods are safe, risky, or downright dangerous to give to your dog can be confusing. And the wrong food choice may land your dog at the emergency veterinary clinic. You can’t go by color.…

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Do Dogs Dream? And Why Does It Matter?

Madalyn Cox Qg3bdpvd7bw Unsplash

Last night as my husband and I relaxed in front of the TV, I suddenly grabbed his arm and gestured to our Lab mix, Rio, who was sprawled out on his bed, fast asleep. His tail was thumping up and down. “He’s ‘sleep wagging!’” I whispered, while we grinned at each other.  I love watching…

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Why Does My Dog Get Ear Infections?

Andriyko Podilnyk Dwsl8refpoq Unsplash

Ear ye! Ear ye! Canine ears come in all shapes, from erect to drooping and everything in between. Your dog’s ears are vital for honing in on sounds and conveying moods, from fearful to friendly. But no canine ear should smell like dirty socks or stale corn chips, ooze with goo, or have a pile…

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Why Do Dogs Have Whiskers?

Tadeusz Lakota Dpd9y95zma4 Unsplash

They tickle our faces, quiver in anticipation, and communicate state of mind. They’re measuring devices and early warning signals. They enhance the senses of both touch and sight. And they’re cute. What are we talking about? Whiskers, of course. These multifunctional hairs, technically known as vibrissae—from the Latin “vibrio,” meaning “to vibrate”—help dogs navigate their…

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Tooth Talk: What to Know About Your Dog’s Chompers

Yiorgos Ntrahas Prthtpkhamc Unsplash

When we think dogs, we think teeth. And they’re not just for biting! Those pearly whites are the canine equivalent of fingers. Dogs use them to eat, of course, but also to grasp prey or toys, groom themselves, shred meat off bones, entertain themselves by chewing, pick up tennis balls and bring them to us…

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Why Does My Cat Sneeze?

Sneezing Cat

If cats could blow their noses, the world might be a better place, says Elaine Wexler-Mitchell, DVM, DABVP, who has had a feline practice for 30 years and has seen a lot of sneezing cats in that time. “Cats wouldn’t have all that congestion and snarfing and snoring that some do.” Cat sneezes can be…

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Cats 2.0: Understanding Your Cat’s Unique Reproductive System

Young Cat Walking Outside

Many cat parents are unaware that just like human teenagers, their cute young kitten can be sexually active before being considered an adult. Next thing you know, you’re dealing with an unwanted teen kitty pregnancy! Here’s what you need to know about the feline reproductive system, and why spaying and neutering is inextricably linked to…

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Why Do Cats Purr?

Purring Cat Gets Face Scratched

I do not always see Casey, my 7-year-old ginger cat – approach me and then gently leap on the sofa to sit on my lap. But I can always hear him even when he does not emit a single mew. Casey purrs with bravado – loudly and steadily. He sounds like a Mack truck in…

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